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Reiki + Intuitive Guidance

Customized session to suit you + your schedule.

Reiki is a form of energy healing, created by a Buddhist name Mikao Usui in the early 20th century.


According to the International Center for Reiki Training, the practice is based on the idea that we all have an unseen “life force energy” flowing through our bodies. Jen, a certified Reiki Master & Practitioner will gently move her hands just above or on the clothed body, of her clients, helping reduce stress and promote healing by encouraging a healthy flow of energy.

Reiki is used by a growing number of people to help with relaxation, anxiety, pain management, and depression.

Jen offers Intuitive Guidance sessions for all aspects of life. She provides insight and guidance to navigate your life journey - both personally and professionally. 

Restore, refresh and realign with this very relaxing energy treatment.

Ages: 5-13 / 30 minutes 
Ages 14 + / 60 minutes

Not sure? Book your free consultation below...

Creative Flow

Customized session to suit you + your schedule.

Creative Yoga Flow is about your stories - in motion 


We often can't find the words to express our feelings, our story. Sometimes we simply choose not to speak.


Jen will help you to tell your story through this life changing class. 


She designed this class because she understands how difficult it can be to express ourselves. She often can't find the words either. She reflects: "personally, I have struggled all my life expressing myself verbally, but I can through movement." 


Whatever your story may be, this is a customized individual class which allows the body to speak for you, emphasizing a mind-body-spirit connection. 


This is a combination of yoga, breathwork, movement, reflection and energy all wrapped up into one treatment, done to a song of your choice. 


NO Experience needed as this is tailored to you. Recommended for 13+

You will receive all the benefits of yoga, I will provide you with meditation tools and breathwork, creative movement is then blended in to create flow. 

You will create space within on an energetic level. 

This is sacred and safe and you will leave with a sense of release. 



Included: a 30 minute consultation + (4) 45 minute classes  MIN classes 

Not sure? Book your free consultation below...

Meditation + Mindfulness

30 MIN Classes 

Mindfulness is about the ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us.


While mindfulness is something we all naturally possess, it’s more readily available to us when we practice on a daily basis.

Whenever you bring awareness to what you’re directly experiencing or feeling or thinking - you’re being mindful. 

Meditation is exploring. It’s not a fixed destination. Your head doesn’t become free of thought or completely undistracted. It’s a unique space of awareness and calm, no matter our external circumstances. When we meditate we venture into the workings of our minds: our sensations, our emotions, and our thoughts.

Mindfulness meditation asks us to suspend judgment and unleash our natural curiosity about the workings of the mind, approaching our experience with warmth and kindness, to ourselves and others...

Explore + restore with our tailored classes
Ages 13 + / 30 minutes

No experience required. 

$10/per person - small group classes


60 MIN Classes


3 types:




Our yoga classes are designed to address your specific needs


We offer 60 MIN yoga experiences for teens and adults, those who are simply learning about yoga, and those who are more experienced in their yoga practice. 

The benefits of yoga include (to name a few):
Strengthen and lengthen muscle,  and improve joint mobility

• Increase focus, concentration and self -regulation

• Promotes relaxation and restoration

• Learn proper breathing techniques to improve performance
• Boost self confidence
• Aids with stress and anxiety
• Helps with spatial and body awareness plus mind-body connection and correct body alignment.

No experience required. 

$10/per person - small group classes.





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